Orbital and Eyelid Trauma

We treat trauma or injuries that require attention by an orbital or eyelid specialist. These include fractures of the orbit, eyelid and lacrimal system lacerations due to an accident or animal attack, and any other injury that may result in damage to the orbit and tissues surrounding the eye.

The most common eye traumas that we treat are blowout fractures of the orbital floor and eyelid lacerations. In a blowout fracture, the bones of the orbit are damaged usually from blunt trauma such as an auto accident or sports injury. Pain, reduced movement of the eye, double vision, swelling, bleeding, ptosis, and altered eye position in the orbit are common in these injuries. Blowout fractures can cause persistent problems and should be treated as an emergency. Your surgeon will determine if surgery is necessary to achieve satisfying cosmetic and functional results for your individual case.

Eyelid lacerations can be especially traumatic due to the upsetting appearance of facial injuries. If there is no damage to the eye itself during the injury, then repair can be performed urgently. For optimal function and cosmetic outcomes, these laceration repairs should be performed by an ASOPRS-trained specialist such as one of our MOPSS surgeons.

For any trauma, we recommend visiting an urgent care center or emergency room immediately or call 911.