Forehead or Brow Lift

A forehead lift and brow lift are procedures that correct drooping, sagging brows. When your brow sags, it can create dark, tired eyes and furrows on your forehead that may make you appear angry even when you are not.

A forehead lift raises the brow to improve the look and feel of your eyes. A forehead lift may also be combined with a blepharoplasty, or eyelift, to further refresh your eye area. 

In a conventional forehead lift, the incision is placed along the hairline. A forehead lift can also be performed through several small incisions and an endoscope, oftentimes using small bio-absorbable implants (Endotine Fixation Devices). Additional surgical options to raise the eyebrows include an indirect brow lift (“browpexy”) or direct brow lift.  Our MOPSS surgeons can guide you to choose the best option for your goals and anatomy.

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