Benign Eyelid Lesions

Not every bump indicates cancer. Many are benign in nature and include cysts, styes, chalazia, hemangiomas, and other lesions. With any growth, however, it is important to have it diagnosed by a physician at its earliest appearance. Below are the most common bumps and lesions that we treat.  Treatments vary based on size, location, and appearance so discuss the best option for you with one of MOPSS surgeons.


A Chalazion is typically seen as a small lump near the edge of an eyelid. It is an enlargement of an oil-producing gland in the eyelid called the meibomian gland. It forms when the gland is clogged with oil secretions. A chalazion is not caused by an infection from bacteria and it is not cancerous. Sometimes, a chalazion may become red, swollen, and tender. A larger chalazion may also cause blurred vision by distorting the shape of the eye. Occasionally, a chalazion can cause the entire eyelid to swell suddenly. A chalazion can often be drained and treated in our clinic. A chalazion that recurs in the same place, especially after removal, may suggest a more serious problem that a biopsy can rule out.


A Stye is a red, sore lump near the edge of the eyelid caused by an infected eyelash follicle. It is often confused with a chalazion, which also appears as a lump on the eyelid. A style typically does not grow to the size of a chalazion. Discuss the best treatment option with one of our MOPSS surgeons.


A Hemangioma is an abnormally dense collection of dilated small blood vessels (capillaries). A Hemangioma can occur anywhere on the body. Typically, it is a visibly red skin lesion that may be in the top skin layers (capillary hemangioma), deeper in the skin (cavernous hemangioma), or a mixture of both. Hemangiomas are present at birth or appear shortly after birth. A Hemangioma of the eyelid is of particular concern as it may interfere with the development of normal vision and must be treated in the first few months of life. Treatment varies based on the size and location of the hemangioma.